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Donation Request


How can we help?

The communities we serve are inspiring, and we take great pride in giving back through sponsorships and development. If your organization serves a community in our market area, we would like to say “Bravo!” and “Thank you!” for all that you do.

Here are two ways we can help community organizations:

Donations and sponsorships

General criteria for First Security Bank donations and sponsorships:

To request a donation or sponsorship for fundraisers, benefits, and scheduled community events, simply fill out the webform below!


Grant requests for infrastructure projects should be directed to the First Security Charitable Foundation.

Learn more about grants

General criteria for First Security Charitable Foundation grants:

  • Organizations must serve a community in the area served by First Security Bank & Trust.
  • Initial applications must be received by the 15th of February, May, August, or November for consideration during the quarterly Foundation meeting held the following month.
  • If the initial application is chosen for consideration, requesting organizations should be willing to present a proposal and answer questions in person or virtually.
  • It is our goal to deliver a decision within three weeks of the Foundation's quarterly meeting.

Contact the Foundation

Ineligible recipients

Learn more about ineligible recipients

The following are generally ineligible to receive donations:

  • Individuals raising funds for personal activities, excluding benefits
  • Political organizations or candidates for public office
  • Requests that are sensitive, controversial, harmful or that pose a conflict of interest to First Security Bank
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation or veteran status
  • Contributions for events/activities that have already occurred
  • Contributions for regular operating expenses of organizations or groups
  • Sectarian or religious organizations whose services are limited to members of any one religious group, excluding community benefit initiatives organized by these groups
  • Organizations outside the United States

Submit a Donation request

Donation Request Form

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