First Security Foundation Announces $5k Contribution to Chickasaw Township Fire District for Purchase of Battery-Operated Equipment

Emergency responders are the first line of defense for the community, and their equipment must be as current as possible. A community that invests in modern technology for first responders is a safe, protected, and secure one. Currently, the Chickasaw Township Fire District, which is responsible for Ionia, Basset, Chickasaw Township, and aiding other nearby county emergency responders, is in the process of updating their technology.

The First Security Foundation contributed $5,000 toward this effort. The Chickasaw Township Fire District is using these funds to purchase Battery-Operated Jaws, Battery-Operated Cutters, and Battery-Operated Rams.

According to Daco Fire Equipment, hydraulic-powered rescue equipment has historically been standard for emergency services, but many fire departments are trying battery-powered equipment.

A prominent advantage of battery-powered tools is that they accelerate emergency procedures. Battery-operated tools prevent tangled lines, the need for a hydraulic pump, and the need for a generator because each battery-powered tool can operate independently.  There is less tidying up at the station after an emergency, and there is less exposure to harmful and toxic materials.

First Security employee Patty Hammel, who works at the Ionia branch, says, “Any money brought in is always an advantage to our volunteer fire department. They rely on donations to keep equipment serviced, maintained, and updated to ensure they can respond to any community emergency without hesitation.”

The estimated cost is around $34,000 for the new equipment. There have been many donations, grants, private donations, and fundraising efforts to complete this campaign. The First Security Foundation is proud to contribute to the Chickasaw Township Fire District’s plans in streamlining rescue efforts. 

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